Scotia Grendel BMP-1

Good detail again from Scotia, and a separate turret which is a nice touch at this scale, although Id recommend either extending the turret peg or magnetising it, because if that thing falls off onto dark carpet its gone forever.
Wheel detail is a bit soft and there are some dents in the edges, but generally good.

The low cost of 6mm (especially these at 45p each) makes ridiculous BMP spams financially viable, which could be fun

Scotia Grendel T-64

Not currently present in Team Yankee but would probably perform like, and work fine proxied as a T-72. Quite shallow/soft detail on this one (so I doubt drybrushing would work all that well) but generally a nice model

Scotia Grendel T-62

Another tank that isnt technically in TY yet, although I suppose you could run them as T-55AM2s. I really like this model, details good, castings clean, just a shame they'll probably never see the table.

Scotia Grendel T-80U

Not present in Team Yankee, I just bought a bunch of these for fun, although I suppose you could use them as a command vehicle so they stand out from the rest of your team. Not quite as nice as the T-72s imo, but the ERA panels look good if you pick them out and the little MG is a nice touch.

Collectair Aircraft

The Mig and F-15 plus some of Scotia other aircraft, the Me262, Dornier Do 335 Pfeil and Me329. All nicely cast with good detail for the price imo

Scotia Grendel F-15 Eagle

Scotia Grendel F-15 Eagle, pretty large model for only £1.50, detail looks good and you get a nice large canvas for any modulation you want have a go at. No decals on it because I dont have any.

Scotia Grendel F-15 Eagle Scotia Grendel F-15 Eagle Scotia Grendel F-15 Eagle

Scotia Grendel Collectair Mig29

Plane from Scotia (base not included) Doesnt seem quite symmetical from/at the front/nose and the detail is quite light, but overall pretty nice. (I cant comment as to the accuracy of the model, I dont really do planes)

Scotia Grendel T72M and T72

Mandatory Soviet tank for Team Yankee from Scotia Grendel. T72M has sideskirts which are nice, T72 lacks them so you can create a bit of a mixed look within a unit which I like. Heavily highlighted rather than drybrushed as I feel they look better at tabletop distance this way, plus it helps prevent any shallower details getting lost.

Alright, so a while back I started Battlefront's Team Yankee in 15mm and then switched to 6mm. So far Ive found that several 1/300 scale miniatures manufacturers (namely Scotia Grendel and Heroics and Ros) either have no photos at all, or a bunch that in many cases really don't do the minis justice. I wont really be touching GHQ, their photos are great, this is more about uncovering hidden (and cheaper) gems that other manufacturers produce.

So I'll be briefly reviewing and photographing my adventures in 6mm so anyone who's interested in the scale can get a better idea of what they are purchasing and where to look.