Scotia Grendel M901 ITV

Improved TOW vehicle from Scotia grendel. Launcher and track detail all looks good, my only gripe with it can be seen from the top as the model looks slightly warped, like the kind of warping you get if you apply pressure to the sides of a silicon mold before the resin inside cures fully, or like the driver is going really fast and going full Initial D round a hairpin. Other than that a nice model, I also bought some TOW LAVs which could be used as an alternative, I'll get round to those soon.

Empires at War City Block Kits j-l

Its raining and humid outside again, so I cant use my matt spray varnish on my actual miniatures and they are all too glossy to photograph. So here's another terrain piece, this time from Empires at War. £18 for a set of these guys, but they are pretty sizeable buildings, and they also look accurately/realistically scaled rather than simply being a representation of a building that most are which is nice.
The mdf "frame" went together extremely easily and the mountboard detailing on the outside just needed to be fixed with PVA and a bit of rubbish superglue from the poundshop to keep the corners stuck down firmly.
They all have a removable roof, so you can actually put your blokes inside rather than having to remember that they are in there like you would be resin buildings PLUS you can use it as a storage box for smaller buildings, 11/10 for space saving storage solutions. multistory car park

A terrain piece this time! Little car park from Blotz, it is a bit small and I couldnt fit all that many spaces into it, but you could buy two and combine them to make a taller one I guess. Not too hard to put together, just need to pay a bit of attention to where the bits go. The Strela team are on a FoW small base for scale. Excuse the janky lines, I also regret painting the columns red instead of yellow.

Scota Grendel BMP-1 PRP-3 "Small Fred,"

Artillery observational vehicle based on the BMP-1 chassis. Would work well as a BMP-1 observation post from Team Yankee. Nice model apart from that chip/dent in the track, not sure if its a casting fault or postal damage but it probably wont bother me too much.

Scotia Grendel BTR 70

The missing link in the BTR series, sat in the middle between the BTR-60 and the BTR-80 I previously posted. Not much to be said, its a great model like the other two.

Scotia Grendel 9K33 Osa Gecko

Cost me a massive £1.15 for this guy Separate turret parts as with the SA-13s, but I just glued it down for simplicity rather than magnetising it, team tankee turret-facing doesnt matter for an soft-skinned vehicle like this. Coming to TY soon so I'll probably buy a few more of these.

Heroics and Ros F117 Stealth

Classic Gulf War plane that everyone liked as a kid because it was black, cool and had "stealth" in the name, introduced in early 83 so still suitable for Cold-war-gone-hot scenarios. The edges are a little soft and the whole plane looks a little smooth compared to the angular monster that is the real aircraft, but on the whole a nice model.
The weapon loadout of the F117 isnt very close to the A-10 (a single GBU-27 Paveway III compared to several AGM-65 Maverick and the BRRRT-gun), so I'm not sure how well it would work as a proxy in Team Yankee.

Scotia Grendel BTR 60 PA and BTR 80

Wheeled Soviet APCs from Scotia. I really like these, great chunky details on the 80 which respond well to highlighting (and probably drybrushing if you prefer to do that), and the large flat areas on the 60 can be modulated pretty nicely. Ive heard these guys (or something close enough) are coming out in Red Thunder so they may actually see the table at some point.

Scotia Grendel McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

A pair of Scotia Grendel F-4 Phantom II, Kurnass, Peace Pheasants, Peace Rhine or whatever else it has been named by the countries it is in service with. Again, very nice model, had some minor pitting on the side but other than that its all good. No weapons as with most of Scotia's aircraft, but that's not a deal-breaker for me.

Heroics and Ros Hind Mi-24P

Two Hinds from Heroics and Ros. I kind of ordered the wrong version again and think I bought the Mi-24P rather than the Mi-24D, but nevermind. Proportions seem ok, detail is generally pretty good but gets a bit rough in places, engines not entirely symmetrical and it was pretty hard to pick out the glass panels on the cockpit. Does come with some weapons though which was nice, also came with 2 sets of perfectly nice white metal rotors, which aren't shown as I'll be using acrylic discs instead. Pretty nice for £3.50, but not quite as good for the money as either H&Rs other or Scotia aircraft imo.

Scotia Grendel A-4 Skyhawk

Tail was a little rough and I didn't do an especially good job of filing it down, but other than that a nice model. Bought 2 of these guys and Im planning to use them as a proxy for A-10s when Im running my guys as USMC.

Scotia Grendel SA-6 Gainful and Straight-Flush Radar

I really like these two, crisp detail, nicely cast tracks, just overall really great models imo. Neither are actually in Team Yankee, but the SA-7 could potentially work as a proxy for the 9K33 Osa which is coming out in Red Thunder.

Scotia Grendel Sa-13 Gopher

Pretty nice mini, the vehicle itself is pretty good, tracks and roadwheels are nicely detailed and cast, but the detail on the launcher is a bit sparse and the crisscross bars that are usually on top are absent, which is a shame.
The turret is actually a separate piece, but rather than magnetize it I dun goofed and glued it, so I'll probably buy some more (maybe try H&R too) and do them over at some point.

Scotia Grendel VADS

Vulcan minigun-equipped air defense for the Americans. Separate turret is a nice touch, but I recommend magnetising it or it will get lost for sure. Gun barrels are sculpted slightly rather than the gun just being a solid tube which looks good if you highlight them a little.

Scotia Grendel ZSU-23-4 Shilka

Alright, its a pretty good model. The gun barrels are flayed out a bit which isnt too bad from tabletop distance, its nice and chunky, the front of the model all looks good, but the detail completely disappears once you go beyond the turret, the engine deck is literally completely flat and featureless, the line I painted was just something I added to break it up a bit. Its alright, maybe I'll have a look at H&Rs offering too.

Scotia Grendel (and H&R) 2S3 Akatsiya

152mm SPG which will be coming to Team Yankee soon. I have models from both H&R and Scotia (Ordered by mistake from H&R, I meant to buy Gvozdikas but wasn't paying attention). I chose to paint up the Scotia models in the end, because I felt the boxy turret shape is more accurate than H&Rs rounded front.

H&R motor rifle platoon for TY

Almost finished a full Motor rifle platoon of H&R infantry, I was sent RPG-18s by accident rather than RPG-7s, but rifle platoons carry them anyway and the model is great and adds a bit of extra variety. All being well, I'll have some RPG-7s soon enough. But here we've got Riflemen and RPG-18s, PKM light MG teams, Gremlin SA-14 MANPADs and the Spigot AT-4s, all really great stuff and fit nicely with any GHQ troops you might have (there is a single GHQ model amongst them, see if you can pick him out)

Heroics and Ros 9K111 Fagot Team

More motor rifles and the first of several At-4 Spigot/9K111 Fagot teams from HR, nice heroic proportions and good details as with the riflemen.

Scotia Trucks

Really nice trucks from Scotia Grendel, its just a shame they will only really serve as terrain pieces. Minis are Zil-135 L4 Truck (Open Top) and Zil-131 Heavy Truck (Covered Top)

Scotia Grendel BRDM-3

As title says, BRDM-3 with Spandrel from Scotia

Heroics and Ros Soviet Motor Rifle (M28)

Soviet motor rifles from Heroics and Ros, very nice casts sculpted in a slightly heroic style which I do really like at this scale. Very close to GHQ in my opinion, but you can buy in smaller packs of exactly what you need instead of getting 90 mortars like you do with the GHQ packs. Painted khaki grey and highlighted with camo beige, which makes them look a little light, but helps them pop against the flock which I will add later.
HR motor rifles on the left and GHQ german Grenadiers for comparison on the right.