Scotia Grendel 9K33 Osa Gecko

Cost me a massive £1.15 for this guy Separate turret parts as with the SA-13s, but I just glued it down for simplicity rather than magnetising it, team tankee turret-facing doesnt matter for an soft-skinned vehicle like this. Coming to TY soon so I'll probably buy a few more of these.


  1. What an amazing Blog, actually showing us how this stuff looks. Something the manufacturers don't seem to care about.

    Your painting is very nice too!

    1. Thanks man, hopefully it'll help a few people who don't have the disposable income GHQ requires

  2. The Heroics and Ross one is nice too. Interestingly the H&R one is noticeably much longer. Ive not sat down and worked out which one is correctly proportioned
