Scotia Grendel Shturm-S

Soviet ATGM vehicle being introduced to TY in the Red Thunder book. Launcher is somewhat massively oversized and could probably do with replacing with a much smaller and thinner piece of styrene rod. Also took a bit of work to get the launcher to fit in the hole, as it wont sit in it like a traditional turret and just falls through. Pretty good, but the BDRM with spandrel is nicer imo.

BMP-2 Scotia Grendel and H&R

Heroics and Ros on the left, Scotia on the right

Wasnt really planning on any direct comparisons between manufacturers but seeing as I have both I might as well. Detail on both is great, Scotia is slightly smaller but probably still compatible, turret peg for H&R was much longer than Scotias, which was handy and didn't need extending. I bought the Scotia models first, but Im probably going to use the H&R, because while the Scotia barrels look nice and realistic, they are very thin and I would be too concerned with them snapping irreparably to actually use them in a game. As with all 6mm minis from these guys, they are cheap as chips, so if you want to build yourself a BMP-2 cheese-list in TY it'll only cost you about a tenner.

H&R T-90

Modern day Russian tank from Heroics and Ros. Detail is nice and chunky, highlights and would probably drybrush really well. Turret is perhaps a little tall? But otherwise a great model.

H&R 2S1 Gvozdika

Finally got some of these guys. Fairly simple model compared to some of H&Rs other casts, Im guessing its one of their older minis. Bit plain, but a perfectly nice, serviceable model

H&R T-80 ERA

Really great models from H&R, perhaps a tad on the small side, but the casting is crisp, especially on the ERA bricks, tracks are good. Not present in TY but I'll probably buy more anyway, really nice mini.

Scotia Grendel Mig-25 Foxbat

As an interceptor this may have limited uses in most wargames, but a nice model none-the-less. Probably should have painted it a lighter grey.

H&R A-10 Warthog

American air support for Team Yankee from Heroics and Ros. The shape looks good and fairly accurate, but there are some bumps and vents absent which leaves the sides and top of the body looking very smooth, but otherwise its pretty good. I bought 4 of these, a few of them had a fair bit of flash around the engines and one of them was a bit miscast, but as it was on the bottom It didnt bother me too much. Overall its pretty good, but not as nice as their Frogfoot model imo.

H&R F-22 Raptor

Not Cold War or Team Yankee but would work for a modern scenario in games like FFoT. Looks nice when painted, but the model is quite plain and there isnt really much detail on the top, not that the F-22 has all that much, but there are little vents and stuff on top and it would have been nice to have some panels to highlight. The angles of the air intakes next to the nose did look slight different too, but 2 minutes of filing and they were fine.

Scotia Grendel T-64 ERA

Nice model of an up-armoured T-64, greatly prefer this to Scotias regular version of the same vehicle. ERA bricks are nicely cast, but some are very shallow and require highlighting in places to pick up any detail, drybrushing will not work on the front hull for example. Nice mini for 6mm TY, even if Phil wont give us ERA-equipped T-64s.